Ted and Jennifer Bertleson - Lowoton's Mission in Ethiopia


<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions Archive Feed]]> Fri, 09 Aug 2024 01:43:29 <![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update]]> Rinehart Missions update

Expanding Reach

I am seeing what I can do to help as many YWAM bases in their calling to serve God and bring people to Christ. I recently shared with a group of YWAMers what I may be able to do to help their ministries and the response was overwhelming. 50+ bases reached out to me with their pressing communications needs. Over and over again I heard “we have no one who knows this stuff” and “please teach us.” Many said “our biggest ministry problem right now is nobody knows what we are doing.” From every corner of the globe people reached out. From Columbia, Mozambique, California, Idaho, Cambodia, India, South Africa, Nepal, London, and so many others.

In the upcoming couple months I will be working on projects for YWAM Chico, Bishop Ca, Idaho, Mozambique, and South Africa, among others. The projects I am working on include making videos for missionary events, updating websites, fixing email sending problems, helping to develop social media strategies, and teaching other missionaries how to maintain websites.

One project that I just completed is a video ad for the upcoming Presence Gathering at YWAM Chico where missionaries around the world will get together to pray for the lost. Check it out:

Presence Gathering Trailer Ad


Meanwhile one of the missionaries that reached out to me was Gift a man who is serving the Muslims in his native Tanzania. He let me know that Saturday last week he went to a Muslim region and found this water. Almost everyone in the village now has typhoid or diarrhea. Gift is raising $1,000 to buy 10 water filters to serve this community and practically show them the love of God. Imagine the message he will share to these people. He can say, “my God is the one who calls me to serve my enemy as it says in Proverbs 25:21-23 “And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink”” and in this way they may come to know the love of Christ. If anyone feels led to give towards their need let me know. Pictured is the water and the people in the village. Click the picture to see the people too.


We left YWAM Cimarron and headed back to California. It was a lot of fun to see what they were up to there in the mountains. And you know? We could feel the presence of God on that place. Since leaving we came back to California and caught up with family. Before heading off again to Montana! We were previously planning on going to Denver but it turned out we weren’t needed.

We were in Montana at the YWAM Montana base as guests for about a week while attending a cousin’s wedding. The Montana base is the most put together base we have been to so far, and of course it was nice to meet more missionaries. We learned that YWAM Montana is in the process of a crazy goal. Which is to translate the Bible into 33 languages in the next 3 years!

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Here are a couple pictures I took at Kessa’s cousin Kylee’s wedding where our kids got to be flower children.

Other Goings On

I am planning to start a photography side-business while in Fresno to help support our ministry work. I also plan to start taking a couple seminary courses this fall in order to better support my call to ministry and to care for all the missionaries we encounter. I will be taking Pastoral Counseling and Hermeneutics (Bible interpretation)


Thank God for

  • For all the people supporting our ministry

  • For our wonderful kids

Prayer Requests

  • For wisdom on which bases to work with

  • For the projects I am working on

  • For the photography business and classes

  • That we follow God’s will on our lives

Rinehart Missions update

Expanding Reach

I am seeing what I can do to help as many YWAM bases in their calling to serve God and bring people to Christ. I recently shared with a group of YWAMers what I may be able to do to help their ministries and the response was overwhelming. 50+ bases reached out to me with their pressing communications needs. Over and over again I heard “we have no one who knows this stuff” and “please teach us.” Many said “our biggest ministry problem right now is nobody knows what we are doing.” From every corner of the globe people reached out. From Columbia, Mozambique, California, Idaho, Cambodia, India, South Africa, Nepal, London, and so many others.

In the upcoming couple months I will be working on projects for YWAM Chico, Bishop Ca, Idaho, Mozambique, and South Africa, among others. The projects I am working on include making videos for missionary events, updating websites, fixing email sending problems, helping to develop social media strategies, and teaching other missionaries how to maintain websites.

One project that I just completed is a video ad for the upcoming Presence Gathering at YWAM Chico where missionaries around the world will get together to pray for the lost. Check it out:

Presence Gathering Trailer Ad


Meanwhile one of the missionaries that reached out to me was Gift a man who is serving the Muslims in his native Tanzania. He let me know that Saturday last week he went to a Muslim region and found this water. Almost everyone in the village now has typhoid or diarrhea. Gift is raising $1,000 to buy 10 water filters to serve this community and practically show them the love of God. Imagine the message he will share to these people. He can say, “my God is the one who calls me to serve my enemy as it says in Proverbs 25:21-23 “And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink”” and in this way they may come to know the love of Christ. If anyone feels led to give towards their need let me know. Pictured is the water and the people in the village. Click the picture to see the people too.


We left YWAM Cimarron and headed back to California. It was a lot of fun to see what they were up to there in the mountains. And you know? We could feel the presence of God on that place. Since leaving we came back to California and caught up with family. Before heading off again to Montana! We were previously planning on going to Denver but it turned out we weren’t needed.

We were in Montana at the YWAM Montana base as guests for about a week while attending a cousin’s wedding. The Montana base is the most put together base we have been to so far, and of course it was nice to meet more missionaries. We learned that YWAM Montana is in the process of a crazy goal. Which is to translate the Bible into 33 languages in the next 3 years!

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Here are a couple pictures I took at Kessa’s cousin Kylee’s wedding where our kids got to be flower children.

Other Goings On

I am planning to start a photography side-business while in Fresno to help support our ministry work. I also plan to start taking a couple seminary courses this fall in order to better support my call to ministry and to care for all the missionaries we encounter. I will be taking Pastoral Counseling and Hermeneutics (Bible interpretation)


Thank God for

  • For all the people supporting our ministry

  • For our wonderful kids

Prayer Requests

  • For wisdom on which bases to work with

  • For the projects I am working on

  • For the photography business and classes

  • That we follow God’s will on our lives

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 01:39:58 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart's Missionary Update!]]> https://mailchi.mp/1f78d94d2d6c/rineharts-missionary-update https://mailchi.mp/1f78d94d2d6c/rineharts-missionary-update Rinehart's Missionary Update!
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YWAM Cimarron in Western Colorado

When we arrived here in Colorado there was snow on the ground and much more on the way. in the past ~6 weeks here it has snowed half a dozen times as well as rained much more. But now summer is upon us and the snow is gone.

This base has a total of 6 staff and 2 of them are over the age of seventy. The base welcomed its new base leaders this past January as the previous director passed away. The new directors are attempting to update and modernize parts of the base so that they can host adventure discipleship training schools. The base has strong ties to the Himalayas where they have sent missionaries for the past 30 years. Currently the base processes over 600 checks a month for missionaries throughout the Himalayas.

Something Sad

In our last newsletter we mentioned that we were expecting a baby yet soon after sending that newsletter we found out that we had lost him. We believe that child is now in heaven with God. These things happen in life. We had hoped to welcome him home yet by God’s grace he will welcome us home to heaven one day. I am sorry that we haven’t really shared this sooner but we wanted to sit with it and mourn with God.

I added some more articles to our website. So feel free to check them out. 😀

Fun Times

The base is currently in a season of transition. They are moving towards having an adventure focus and planning future SST’s and DTS’s. Thus, I have been helping out with a lot of random projects like the ones pictured above in order to get the base ready for all that is to come. I drove a Zoom Boom into the shop and extended the arm with a person so we could install energy efficient light fixtures. The family and I also helped set up for and attended a wedding on base.

Other adventures include: Sledding when there was more snow (Helena was not a fan). Getting caught in a hail/thunder storm while on a long walk. Hiking through a beautiful rocky ravine.

I was recently interviewed on the Disciples Heritage Fellowship Podcast! Check it out here👇

Other Goings On

Elliott is learning the guitar.

Abraham memorized the Lord’s Prayer.

Kessa memorized the Lord’s Prayer in Sign Language.

Helena can sing the ABC’s.



That God holds our hearts.

That we continue to make the divine appointments that God has set aside for us.


Thank God for our continued spiritual growth.

Thank God that Abraham is growing into a Christian.

Thank God for providing for our needs.

Rinehart's Missionary Update!
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YWAM Cimarron in Western Colorado

When we arrived here in Colorado there was snow on the ground and much more on the way. in the past ~6 weeks here it has snowed half a dozen times as well as rained much more. But now summer is upon us and the snow is gone.

This base has a total of 6 staff and 2 of them are over the age of seventy. The base welcomed its new base leaders this past January as the previous director passed away. The new directors are attempting to update and modernize parts of the base so that they can host adventure discipleship training schools. The base has strong ties to the Himalayas where they have sent missionaries for the past 30 years. Currently the base processes over 600 checks a month for missionaries throughout the Himalayas.

Something Sad

In our last newsletter we mentioned that we were expecting a baby yet soon after sending that newsletter we found out that we had lost him. We believe that child is now in heaven with God. These things happen in life. We had hoped to welcome him home yet by God’s grace he will welcome us home to heaven one day. I am sorry that we haven’t really shared this sooner but we wanted to sit with it and mourn with God.

I added some more articles to our website. So feel free to check them out. 😀

Fun Times

The base is currently in a season of transition. They are moving towards having an adventure focus and planning future SST’s and DTS’s. Thus, I have been helping out with a lot of random projects like the ones pictured above in order to get the base ready for all that is to come. I drove a Zoom Boom into the shop and extended the arm with a person so we could install energy efficient light fixtures. The family and I also helped set up for and attended a wedding on base.

Other adventures include: Sledding when there was more snow (Helena was not a fan). Getting caught in a hail/thunder storm while on a long walk. Hiking through a beautiful rocky ravine.

I was recently interviewed on the Disciples Heritage Fellowship Podcast! Check it out here👇

Other Goings On

Elliott is learning the guitar.

Abraham memorized the Lord’s Prayer.

Kessa memorized the Lord’s Prayer in Sign Language.

Helena can sing the ABC’s.



That God holds our hearts.

That we continue to make the divine appointments that God has set aside for us.


Thank God for our continued spiritual growth.

Thank God that Abraham is growing into a Christian.

Thank God for providing for our needs.

Sat, 25 May 2024 17:37:19 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update 3/25/24]]> https://mailchi.mp/d0b400b1ba6c/rinehart-missions-update-32524 https://mailchi.mp/d0b400b1ba6c/rinehart-missions-update-32524 Rinehart Missions update 3/25/24

Hey how’s life?

I created a video newsletter this time instead of paper like normal. Let me know what you think, is video or paper better?

Stick around till the end for an exciting announcement 😬

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Watch Newsletter
Rinehart Missions update 3/25/24

Hey how’s life?

I created a video newsletter this time instead of paper like normal. Let me know what you think, is video or paper better?

Stick around till the end for an exciting announcement 😬

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Watch Newsletter
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 03:41:38 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update 1/28/24]]> https://mailchi.mp/587ecf8f4618/rinehart-missions-update-12824 https://mailchi.mp/587ecf8f4618/rinehart-missions-update-12824 Rinehart Missions update 1/28/24

Getting Started in Chico

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It can be hard to illustrate what God is doing in our lives. The other day Kessa said, “Elliott you seem happier than you have been in a long time.” And you know? It’s true. Since getting back to the west coast it is as if a weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

Shaky Smiling Journey

The move back to California. We made it back to California right before a big storm hit most of the US. It seems that every step of the way God has had our backs. Our car ended up needing $13,000 in repairs after our drive yet most of it was covered by our warranty! After a couple generous donations by our supporters we ended u paying about $1,500 for the repairs.


We have been shifting our supporters over to the new system. As things are settling down it appears we have gotten most everyone moved over. If you haven’t moved your donation over yet please call me ASAP. Thank you everyone who has been with us through this journey in missions. Your support has made everything we do possible. Thank you for sticking with us through all the changes and trusting in God’s plan with us. We gained some support in this transition but also lost about $650 a month in support. Yet with our lowered costs we are doing okay. If you know anyone we should speak to about missions let us know.

The differences in ministry fields is extreme. In NYC we worked with missionaries who were underfunded at $10,000 a month and now in Chico we are know some missionaries who are living on $0-350 a month with kids. God has provided for our every need and those of the other missionaries we know. When we become stressed and lose sight of the fact that it is all in God’s hands that is when we fail. In the hands of God there is peace.

“The eternal God is your refuge,

and underneath are the everlasting arms.“ (Deuteronomy 33:27)


Which generates enough electricity in winter to run the base all year. Learning to run the hydropower plant is allowing the missionary that normally runs it to take a much needed vacation.

While with the office I am taking on the communications role once again. I will be recording testimonies of missionaries coming back from Japan and Cambodia. Furthermore I am cleaning up the website making it more cost effective and better at recruiting potential missionaries. So far we have identified ways of cutting costs over $3,000 a year. And it is just the first week here.

Faith Forum

The Faith Forum podcast has hit the ground running. It is not really a ministry per se but I am hoping that it will be meaningful and informative to myself and others as we seek to grow and understand the Church in America.

We have 5 published episodes so far and another 20 scheduled and on the way. I am especially excited about episode #6 which comes out 1/29.

Subscribe To The Podcast

Prayer Requests

  • That we adjust well

  • That God continues to provide

  • Pray for Kessa and the kids to make friends in this new place

  • Pray that we find the right church to connect with while in Chico

  • Thank God for providing for our needs

Our Facebook Page

Join Group
Rinehart Missions update 1/28/24

Getting Started in Chico

image placeholder

It can be hard to illustrate what God is doing in our lives. The other day Kessa said, “Elliott you seem happier than you have been in a long time.” And you know? It’s true. Since getting back to the west coast it is as if a weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

Shaky Smiling Journey

The move back to California. We made it back to California right before a big storm hit most of the US. It seems that every step of the way God has had our backs. Our car ended up needing $13,000 in repairs after our drive yet most of it was covered by our warranty! After a couple generous donations by our supporters we ended u paying about $1,500 for the repairs.


We have been shifting our supporters over to the new system. As things are settling down it appears we have gotten most everyone moved over. If you haven’t moved your donation over yet please call me ASAP. Thank you everyone who has been with us through this journey in missions. Your support has made everything we do possible. Thank you for sticking with us through all the changes and trusting in God’s plan with us. We gained some support in this transition but also lost about $650 a month in support. Yet with our lowered costs we are doing okay. If you know anyone we should speak to about missions let us know.

The differences in ministry fields is extreme. In NYC we worked with missionaries who were underfunded at $10,000 a month and now in Chico we are know some missionaries who are living on $0-350 a month with kids. God has provided for our every need and those of the other missionaries we know. When we become stressed and lose sight of the fact that it is all in God’s hands that is when we fail. In the hands of God there is peace.

“The eternal God is your refuge,

and underneath are the everlasting arms.“ (Deuteronomy 33:27)


Which generates enough electricity in winter to run the base all year. Learning to run the hydropower plant is allowing the missionary that normally runs it to take a much needed vacation.

While with the office I am taking on the communications role once again. I will be recording testimonies of missionaries coming back from Japan and Cambodia. Furthermore I am cleaning up the website making it more cost effective and better at recruiting potential missionaries. So far we have identified ways of cutting costs over $3,000 a year. And it is just the first week here.

Faith Forum

The Faith Forum podcast has hit the ground running. It is not really a ministry per se but I am hoping that it will be meaningful and informative to myself and others as we seek to grow and understand the Church in America.

We have 5 published episodes so far and another 20 scheduled and on the way. I am especially excited about episode #6 which comes out 1/29.

Subscribe To The Podcast

Prayer Requests

  • That we adjust well

  • That God continues to provide

  • Pray for Kessa and the kids to make friends in this new place

  • Pray that we find the right church to connect with while in Chico

  • Thank God for providing for our needs

Our Facebook Page

Join Group
Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:29:53 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart update - we moved to California!]]> https://mailchi.mp/f9c6ea42b735/rinehart-update-we-moved-to-california https://mailchi.mp/f9c6ea42b735/rinehart-update-we-moved-to-california Rinehart update - we moved to California!

We Made it!

We are back in California for now. We had a mostly uneventful 5 day drive cross country full of snack breaks and 14 hours drives. Although in New Mexico we saw a cop car chase! We got to visit with Kessa’s parents and brother for a couple days before heading over to Elliott’s parents for a few days until YWAM Chico is ready for us to get there.

The Move

Getting all our stuff down the stairs was quite the task it took about 8 hours with help. I must of gone up and down the stairs 50 times which is about 2500 feet up and down or almost a mile vertical.

New Donations Method

We are now receiving donations through First Street Church in Clovis California. We attended this church while living in Clovis and it is where Kessa’s parents attend. They support our ministry and have generously offered to be our fiduciary sponsor. What that means is that they will oversee all donations coming in. This also means that your donations are still tax deductible. When we worked at International Project we would receive 90% of the funds donated to us with the other 10% going to administration. But now with it going through the church we will be receiving 100% of each donation! Your ongoing support is seriously appreciated as we continue to follow God’s will for our lives.

Please Note: Your current donations through International Project will expire 1/22/24

Your continued support for our ministry is what makes everything we do possible. So thank you! I will be in touch to help you transfer your donations or you are welcome to get started by clicking the button below. If you have any questions please call me.

Set up new donations here


Apparently I am starting a podcast. I am going to be interviewing pastors and nonprofit leaders about the state of Christianity in America as well as problems they have faced in ministry and how they have overcome them. It is exciting to see this idea take form. It’s going to be called Faith Forum. I already have 70 speakers lined up but I am still on the lookout for more so if you are interested in coming on the podcast or know of a pastor or nonprofit leader who should be on let me know Here.

Some of the people I am looking forward to interviewing are church planters, adoption agency founders, authors, Christian book publishers, Christian radio station founder, tent crusaders, anti human traffickers, homeless shelter directors, and pastors.

You can subscribe to the Youtube Channel to watch the podcast or stay up to date about it on Facebook

The Story Continues

God has shocked us in the many ways he has met our needs this past year and especially this past month. We are exploring the idea of starting a nonprofit called Our Faith Works. The non profit would focus on training churches and volunteers how to run communications for their church. This idea is still is its early stages but maybe in the next few months it will form into something for the glory of God. Here is the website for Version 1 of the idea OurFaith.Works

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great Christmas and new year. Know that you are in our prayers continually and if you ever have any special prayer requests please let us know.

Rinehart update - we moved to California!

We Made it!

We are back in California for now. We had a mostly uneventful 5 day drive cross country full of snack breaks and 14 hours drives. Although in New Mexico we saw a cop car chase! We got to visit with Kessa’s parents and brother for a couple days before heading over to Elliott’s parents for a few days until YWAM Chico is ready for us to get there.

The Move

Getting all our stuff down the stairs was quite the task it took about 8 hours with help. I must of gone up and down the stairs 50 times which is about 2500 feet up and down or almost a mile vertical.

New Donations Method

We are now receiving donations through First Street Church in Clovis California. We attended this church while living in Clovis and it is where Kessa’s parents attend. They support our ministry and have generously offered to be our fiduciary sponsor. What that means is that they will oversee all donations coming in. This also means that your donations are still tax deductible. When we worked at International Project we would receive 90% of the funds donated to us with the other 10% going to administration. But now with it going through the church we will be receiving 100% of each donation! Your ongoing support is seriously appreciated as we continue to follow God’s will for our lives.

Please Note: Your current donations through International Project will expire 1/22/24

Your continued support for our ministry is what makes everything we do possible. So thank you! I will be in touch to help you transfer your donations or you are welcome to get started by clicking the button below. If you have any questions please call me.

Set up new donations here


Apparently I am starting a podcast. I am going to be interviewing pastors and nonprofit leaders about the state of Christianity in America as well as problems they have faced in ministry and how they have overcome them. It is exciting to see this idea take form. It’s going to be called Faith Forum. I already have 70 speakers lined up but I am still on the lookout for more so if you are interested in coming on the podcast or know of a pastor or nonprofit leader who should be on let me know Here.

Some of the people I am looking forward to interviewing are church planters, adoption agency founders, authors, Christian book publishers, Christian radio station founder, tent crusaders, anti human traffickers, homeless shelter directors, and pastors.

You can subscribe to the Youtube Channel to watch the podcast or stay up to date about it on Facebook

The Story Continues

God has shocked us in the many ways he has met our needs this past year and especially this past month. We are exploring the idea of starting a nonprofit called Our Faith Works. The non profit would focus on training churches and volunteers how to run communications for their church. This idea is still is its early stages but maybe in the next few months it will form into something for the glory of God. Here is the website for Version 1 of the idea OurFaith.Works

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great Christmas and new year. Know that you are in our prayers continually and if you ever have any special prayer requests please let us know.

Fri, 12 Jan 2024 04:34:28 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update /14]]> https://mailchi.mp/46b241bd67a9/rinehart-missions-update-14 https://mailchi.mp/46b241bd67a9/rinehart-missions-update-14 Rinehart Missions update /14

Hello and Merry Christmas!


Within the chaos God is there. God says in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Isn’t that a Good reminder? We are officially leaving International Project at the end of the year. But we are continuing to serve God and do ministry however and wherever he may call us.

God has been teaching us this past year how to be at peace in the midst of the chaos of life. Our time in NYC has been meaningful yet we believe now is the time to move. Our lease is ending at the end of this year and I have been able to accomplish most of what I originally set out to do at International Project.

The plan is to drive back across the country to California on December 29th with a U-Haul trailer. Which should be especially fun considering I have never driven a trailer before. Once in California we will visit with some of our family and friends before heading up to YWAM Chico. YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission. Their motto is “To know God and to make Him known“ YWAM Chico trains people to be missionaries at their base in Chico as well as holding conferences for churches and other missions organizations. The plan is to go there for three months and help where ever we are needed! I will be helping with the marketing side of things helping to recruit more people into missions just like I have been doing at International Project.

We will be at YWAM Chico for 3 months while we continue asking God where we are to go. We are continuing to look for a pastoral position as God is pulling on my heart to minister to people directly. Yet in the meantime we will serve God anyway we can.

I will not be working at International Project next year, but I am planning on continuing to be available through January as new people are being trained. These past couple weeks I have been training a couple people in the office how to do the stuff I have been doing. As well as finishing up our end of year projects. Such as running Facebook ads, emails, etc for our end of year campaign. And building a new missionary media kit. That helps new missionaries build connection cards, follow our brand guidelines, and ensure peoples security through a more thorough understanding of International Project policies.


We are going to continue to receive donations through International Project through January 22, 2024. Please bear with us as we are still figuring out the best way to receive donations after that.

Prayer Requests

Pray that our car and trailer make it to California safely.

Pray for my Driving.

Pray that I can leave the work in NYC in good hands.

Pray that Kessa’s parents have a safe visit to NYC this week.

Thank God for allowing us to serve him this past year.

Thank God for guiding us every step of the way.

BTW - Website Update

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Rinehart Missions · 1679 Santa Ana Ave · Clovis, CA 93611-4027 · USA

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Rinehart Missions update /14

Hello and Merry Christmas!


Within the chaos God is there. God says in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Isn’t that a Good reminder? We are officially leaving International Project at the end of the year. But we are continuing to serve God and do ministry however and wherever he may call us.

God has been teaching us this past year how to be at peace in the midst of the chaos of life. Our time in NYC has been meaningful yet we believe now is the time to move. Our lease is ending at the end of this year and I have been able to accomplish most of what I originally set out to do at International Project.

The plan is to drive back across the country to California on December 29th with a U-Haul trailer. Which should be especially fun considering I have never driven a trailer before. Once in California we will visit with some of our family and friends before heading up to YWAM Chico. YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission. Their motto is “To know God and to make Him known“ YWAM Chico trains people to be missionaries at their base in Chico as well as holding conferences for churches and other missions organizations. The plan is to go there for three months and help where ever we are needed! I will be helping with the marketing side of things helping to recruit more people into missions just like I have been doing at International Project.

We will be at YWAM Chico for 3 months while we continue asking God where we are to go. We are continuing to look for a pastoral position as God is pulling on my heart to minister to people directly. Yet in the meantime we will serve God anyway we can.

I will not be working at International Project next year, but I am planning on continuing to be available through January as new people are being trained. These past couple weeks I have been training a couple people in the office how to do the stuff I have been doing. As well as finishing up our end of year projects. Such as running Facebook ads, emails, etc for our end of year campaign. And building a new missionary media kit. That helps new missionaries build connection cards, follow our brand guidelines, and ensure peoples security through a more thorough understanding of International Project policies.


We are going to continue to receive donations through International Project through January 22, 2024. Please bear with us as we are still figuring out the best way to receive donations after that.

Prayer Requests

Pray that our car and trailer make it to California safely.

Pray for my Driving.

Pray that I can leave the work in NYC in good hands.

Pray that Kessa’s parents have a safe visit to NYC this week.

Thank God for allowing us to serve him this past year.

Thank God for guiding us every step of the way.

BTW - Website Update

View Newsletter on Website

This email was sent to <<Email Address>>
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Rinehart Missions · 1679 Santa Ana Ave · Clovis, CA 93611-4027 · USA

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:04:20 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update 11/17]]> https://mailchi.mp/c23bb90abb14/rinehart-missions-update-1117 https://mailchi.mp/c23bb90abb14/rinehart-missions-update-1117 Rinehart Missions update 11/17

Volume 14

Huge Announcement

We are going to be leaving International Project soon. Working and living in NYC has been an amazing experience but our needs are not being met here. As you may know NYC is expensive and funding has been an ongoing issue. Furthermore, life in the city is quite challenging and even dangerous at times. The good here has mostly outweighed the bad. Yet we feel a strong calling towards God’s people. The work I have done in the office at International Project is important but I want see lives changed one on one, to serve a community as a pastor.

Looking Back

While working with International Project has been a great learning experience for our family. When I first joined IP I came with the goal of helping update the communications side of things. Over our time here, I have been able to update the website making it significantly faster, develop the brand style, shine a light on security issues for the missionaries, help increase the number of potential missionaries at IP, set up many new systems, and help raise funds for campaigns. It has been a blessing to work with so many people who have stepped out in faith to follow God. The memories of our time here will last a lifetime, and I will be telling the stories of our time here for years to come. We are not leaving IP or the city yet. We are still waiting for God to guide us where to go. But soon we will be moving on.

Looking Ahead

We have been talking to many different churches and praying about where God is calling us. This past week we went on a trip to Wisconsin to visit a small church plant. We are presently asking God if this is where he is calling us to.

Right Now

Right now at IP our team is working together to get the Year End Campaign off the ground. Trish, our development director is hoping to raise over $100,000 this year from the campaign. To that end I got to build a lot of web pages to process those donations, help write and build several emails and a letter, and set up a couple Instagram and Facebook ad tests. The other day in the office we packed and sent almost a thousand letters! It was an all day project. We got to know each other better and explore the biblical complexity of prayer from multiple angles!


We have not stopped working at IP yet. So please continue your giving towards our work here in NYC. Your support makes everything we do possible. Thank You! Note: When we leave International Project we plan to call each and everyone of our supporters. So rest assures we will keep you in the loop.

Please Pray

  • Pray that we trust in God with the upcoming changes in our lives

  • Thank God for our restful trip to Wisconsin

  • Ask God to guide us on our journey

Read Online
Rinehart Missions update 11/17

Volume 14

Huge Announcement

We are going to be leaving International Project soon. Working and living in NYC has been an amazing experience but our needs are not being met here. As you may know NYC is expensive and funding has been an ongoing issue. Furthermore, life in the city is quite challenging and even dangerous at times. The good here has mostly outweighed the bad. Yet we feel a strong calling towards God’s people. The work I have done in the office at International Project is important but I want see lives changed one on one, to serve a community as a pastor.

Looking Back

While working with International Project has been a great learning experience for our family. When I first joined IP I came with the goal of helping update the communications side of things. Over our time here, I have been able to update the website making it significantly faster, develop the brand style, shine a light on security issues for the missionaries, help increase the number of potential missionaries at IP, set up many new systems, and help raise funds for campaigns. It has been a blessing to work with so many people who have stepped out in faith to follow God. The memories of our time here will last a lifetime, and I will be telling the stories of our time here for years to come. We are not leaving IP or the city yet. We are still waiting for God to guide us where to go. But soon we will be moving on.

Looking Ahead

We have been talking to many different churches and praying about where God is calling us. This past week we went on a trip to Wisconsin to visit a small church plant. We are presently asking God if this is where he is calling us to.

Right Now

Right now at IP our team is working together to get the Year End Campaign off the ground. Trish, our development director is hoping to raise over $100,000 this year from the campaign. To that end I got to build a lot of web pages to process those donations, help write and build several emails and a letter, and set up a couple Instagram and Facebook ad tests. The other day in the office we packed and sent almost a thousand letters! It was an all day project. We got to know each other better and explore the biblical complexity of prayer from multiple angles!


We have not stopped working at IP yet. So please continue your giving towards our work here in NYC. Your support makes everything we do possible. Thank You! Note: When we leave International Project we plan to call each and everyone of our supporters. So rest assures we will keep you in the loop.

Please Pray

  • Pray that we trust in God with the upcoming changes in our lives

  • Thank God for our restful trip to Wisconsin

  • Ask God to guide us on our journey

Read Online
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 21:02:16 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update 10/3]]> https://mailchi.mp/5964f95ec62a/rinehart-missions-update-103 https://mailchi.mp/5964f95ec62a/rinehart-missions-update-103 Rinehart Missions update 10/3


The office is brimming with potential. Thanks to the generous support you have provided us I have been able to make updates to International Project’s website and make optimizations. Those updates have led to the number of inquiries about becoming a missionary being DOUBLED! Compared to this time last year. From 1 person a day to 2. Kaitlyn our Mobilizer that deals with initial contacts is being deluged with calls and has 7 interviews to do on 10/4. I have hoping that with God’s help we can double that number again by the end of the year.


  • As we continue raising funds we have switched to working part time as that is all that our funding allows us to pay for.

  • We got to host a young christian woman in our apartment for a couple days while repairs were done on her apartment.

  • We hired a new administrative assistant in the office which should help us all be more efficient.

  • Elliott’s sister Emma is visiting from the west coast

  • Abraham turned 3 this past month and Helena is turning 2 this month!

  • NYC was flooded last week. It was the most rain I have ever experienced in my life. Some areas received 8 inches of rain.

  • Right before the storm we got to take a short trip out to long island and see a few beaches and a state park.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for us to get better, we all have a throat-cold at the moment.

  • Pray for Helena as she is transitioning out of needing naps and into needing to be potty trained.

  • Pray for God to guide our ways in all things.

A Step Into The World Of Missions

For our newsletter this month I wanted to share some stories from our missions in the field. THE STORIES THAT FOLLOW SHOULD REMAIN PRIVATE AND NOT SHARED IN ANY WAY thank you for understanding.

BIG PRAISE! Bengali believer reaching and gathering his own people!

From Christian in Queens NYC:


“You haven’t made a disciple until the person you are discipling has made a disciple”. It’s what we are laboring towards here in Queens, NY. To see disciples made, churches started through diaspora unreached people groups!

For the past year I’ve been meeting with, training & discipling a Bengali believer that has a heart to reach his own people. He recently led his first former muslim to faith this past July. And this past week he baptized him! This week “R” also began gathering his family, this new believer and a few Muslims to read the Bible!

Making disciples among unreached people groups is challenging on so many levels. Please pray with us for

  • Sustainable fruit

  • For these Muslims to see the beauty of the gospel & their desperate need for a savior.

  • For a church to be identified and formed over time.

We moved to Central Asia!

From Jason in South East Asia

After spending some quality time saying goodbye to family and friends, we finished packing our last bag and boarded a plane the afternoon of July 27. We were hours early to the airport because we didn't know how long it would take bringing in so much luggage. Then we had some stressful but funny adventures:

  • Our plane was delayed due to storms and overheating, which meant that we couldn't make our connecting flight . . . which meant we watched our plane pull away with all 12 checked bags while we were stuck at the airport. Our kids were counting the cost as they wondered if they'd ever see the stuff they packed to make their new house a home.

  • The airline gave us a voucher for an Uber to the next NYC airport to catch a direct flight, but we had to hurry to make it in time! So our family and 3 others in a similar situation all sprinted like a scene from Home Alone through Laguardia airport. Except in our scene, our kids kept dropping their bags and slowing down our new friends (who were kind enough to help the kids carry their stuff). All 8 of us jumped into an SUV with luggage piled on top of us (it took Meg 1-2 minutes to figure out how to shut her door because we were so crammed in). Everyone in the car was stressed as we watched the driver slowly drive on back roads, but Everett kept talking about how he couldn't feel his legs and made us laugh. Thankfully, our direct flight was late so we were all able to make it!

  • After a 9 hour direct flight through the night (Will and I stayed up to fight the jet lag), we arrived in Central Asia. We got our smaller bags, our new SIM cards, waited in line to see about our other 12 checked bags, called a taxi, rode for an hour, and arrived at our Airbnb about midnight. Once we got there, it took us and our driver about 10 minutes to find which address was actually ours. But we did! And we slept.

  • A few days later, all 12 of our checked bags were delivered to our door! The kids were so happy to see their stuff return. We made it! We believe God is preparing us to expect difficulty in every path worth taking, but an answered prayer at every destination.

Update on Meg's Visa situation:

  • Plan A: We have 20-30 days to find a place to live in order to get a permanent residence Visa.

  • Plan B: If we can't find an apartment in such a short time, we'll have to leave the country and come back to reapply for another tourist Visa, which will give us 3 more months to find a place to live and get a permanent residence Visa.

We are content with both plans, but we are praying for the first. Thank you to all who helped make this journey possible! Meg and I and the kids are so grateful for each of you who are reading this, praying for us, giving to us, and serving us in so many ways. Our families and friends are such good gifts. God bless you all!

Students from around the world…

Andy in Harlem NYC

International students are everywhere. The photo is the long orientation lines where we would stop and ask each student if they were interested in English groups or activities. After all orientations were done we got somewhere around 600 names. It was a crazy 10 days.

Now I am meeting students for coffee, tea, or lunch. I have already started reading the Bible with a student from France, mobilizing a believer from Indonesia and praying with a bull rider from Canada. On Tuesday I had my first English conversation group with students from Iran, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Togo, Cameroon and UAE. My second English group is Friday and will be filled with others from around the world. Lastly, we will have 4 Pakistani students over for dinner and games next weekend. So many image bearers that we are praying for God to work in their lives!

Please join us in praying for good soil that would produce lasting fruit for the kingdom. We are grateful for each of you and miss you!!

Our Website
Rinehart Missions update 10/3


The office is brimming with potential. Thanks to the generous support you have provided us I have been able to make updates to International Project’s website and make optimizations. Those updates have led to the number of inquiries about becoming a missionary being DOUBLED! Compared to this time last year. From 1 person a day to 2. Kaitlyn our Mobilizer that deals with initial contacts is being deluged with calls and has 7 interviews to do on 10/4. I have hoping that with God’s help we can double that number again by the end of the year.


  • As we continue raising funds we have switched to working part time as that is all that our funding allows us to pay for.

  • We got to host a young christian woman in our apartment for a couple days while repairs were done on her apartment.

  • We hired a new administrative assistant in the office which should help us all be more efficient.

  • Elliott’s sister Emma is visiting from the west coast

  • Abraham turned 3 this past month and Helena is turning 2 this month!

  • NYC was flooded last week. It was the most rain I have ever experienced in my life. Some areas received 8 inches of rain.

  • Right before the storm we got to take a short trip out to long island and see a few beaches and a state park.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for us to get better, we all have a throat-cold at the moment.

  • Pray for Helena as she is transitioning out of needing naps and into needing to be potty trained.

  • Pray for God to guide our ways in all things.

A Step Into The World Of Missions

For our newsletter this month I wanted to share some stories from our missions in the field. THE STORIES THAT FOLLOW SHOULD REMAIN PRIVATE AND NOT SHARED IN ANY WAY thank you for understanding.

BIG PRAISE! Bengali believer reaching and gathering his own people!

From Christian in Queens NYC:


“You haven’t made a disciple until the person you are discipling has made a disciple”. It’s what we are laboring towards here in Queens, NY. To see disciples made, churches started through diaspora unreached people groups!

For the past year I’ve been meeting with, training & discipling a Bengali believer that has a heart to reach his own people. He recently led his first former muslim to faith this past July. And this past week he baptized him! This week “R” also began gathering his family, this new believer and a few Muslims to read the Bible!

Making disciples among unreached people groups is challenging on so many levels. Please pray with us for

  • Sustainable fruit

  • For these Muslims to see the beauty of the gospel & their desperate need for a savior.

  • For a church to be identified and formed over time.

We moved to Central Asia!

From Jason in South East Asia

After spending some quality time saying goodbye to family and friends, we finished packing our last bag and boarded a plane the afternoon of July 27. We were hours early to the airport because we didn't know how long it would take bringing in so much luggage. Then we had some stressful but funny adventures:

  • Our plane was delayed due to storms and overheating, which meant that we couldn't make our connecting flight . . . which meant we watched our plane pull away with all 12 checked bags while we were stuck at the airport. Our kids were counting the cost as they wondered if they'd ever see the stuff they packed to make their new house a home.

  • The airline gave us a voucher for an Uber to the next NYC airport to catch a direct flight, but we had to hurry to make it in time! So our family and 3 others in a similar situation all sprinted like a scene from Home Alone through Laguardia airport. Except in our scene, our kids kept dropping their bags and slowing down our new friends (who were kind enough to help the kids carry their stuff). All 8 of us jumped into an SUV with luggage piled on top of us (it took Meg 1-2 minutes to figure out how to shut her door because we were so crammed in). Everyone in the car was stressed as we watched the driver slowly drive on back roads, but Everett kept talking about how he couldn't feel his legs and made us laugh. Thankfully, our direct flight was late so we were all able to make it!

  • After a 9 hour direct flight through the night (Will and I stayed up to fight the jet lag), we arrived in Central Asia. We got our smaller bags, our new SIM cards, waited in line to see about our other 12 checked bags, called a taxi, rode for an hour, and arrived at our Airbnb about midnight. Once we got there, it took us and our driver about 10 minutes to find which address was actually ours. But we did! And we slept.

  • A few days later, all 12 of our checked bags were delivered to our door! The kids were so happy to see their stuff return. We made it! We believe God is preparing us to expect difficulty in every path worth taking, but an answered prayer at every destination.

Update on Meg's Visa situation:

  • Plan A: We have 20-30 days to find a place to live in order to get a permanent residence Visa.

  • Plan B: If we can't find an apartment in such a short time, we'll have to leave the country and come back to reapply for another tourist Visa, which will give us 3 more months to find a place to live and get a permanent residence Visa.

We are content with both plans, but we are praying for the first. Thank you to all who helped make this journey possible! Meg and I and the kids are so grateful for each of you who are reading this, praying for us, giving to us, and serving us in so many ways. Our families and friends are such good gifts. God bless you all!

Students from around the world…

Andy in Harlem NYC

International students are everywhere. The photo is the long orientation lines where we would stop and ask each student if they were interested in English groups or activities. After all orientations were done we got somewhere around 600 names. It was a crazy 10 days.

Now I am meeting students for coffee, tea, or lunch. I have already started reading the Bible with a student from France, mobilizing a believer from Indonesia and praying with a bull rider from Canada. On Tuesday I had my first English conversation group with students from Iran, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Togo, Cameroon and UAE. My second English group is Friday and will be filled with others from around the world. Lastly, we will have 4 Pakistani students over for dinner and games next weekend. So many image bearers that we are praying for God to work in their lives!

Please join us in praying for good soil that would produce lasting fruit for the kingdom. We are grateful for each of you and miss you!!

Our Website
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 18:08:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart's Missionary Update]]> https://mailchi.mp/c4d92b66650c/rineharts-missionary-update https://mailchi.mp/c4d92b66650c/rineharts-missionary-update Rinehart's Missionary Update

Zoom Gathering

We are going to do a missions town hall meeting September 29th at 6pm Pacific Time. It will be a time for catching up, prayer, and answering your questions. We hope you can make it. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 826 2524 8683
Passcode: 12345

The Support Trip

It has been awhile since our last update, sorry about that! Life has been a rollercoaster the past few months. The support trip was somewhat successful. We were able to see most of our supporters face to face. As well as meet many awesome people along the way.

We Are Back In NYC!

Since getting back to the city we have been busy getting back into the rhythm of life. We sold the car and are back to walking everywhere😬. Helena and Abraham are learning to get along better. Abraham is now potty trained! Kessa has been rebuilding her stair muscles.

What’s going on in the office

Since getting back to NYC, we have been to wrapping up our summer projects so we can start developing a regular routine. Now the fall season is starting, which is busy season here at IP! With the fall semester starting up many of our missionaries are on campus 6+ days a week. While our mobilization team is getting ready to go on their fall trips where they are gone off and on for around a month. Meanwhile I am working with Operations to help keep IP together while we look to hire a couple more people to work in the office. As well as working with the Development and Mobilization teams with their end of year campaigns.

The most exciting development for my role here is that we finally regained access to the Google Ads grant. Which gives us $120,000 a year to use towards Google Ads which help us recruit more missionaries. IP has had the grant for the past ten years but has been unable to use the grant until I got here and was able to set up the ads.

Support Levels

Our support level continues to be below the amount necessary to survive in the city. So we are now meeting with a support coach and continuing to raise funds while doing ministry. This is proving to be a very stressful challenge. But one that I believe will ultimatly be used for God’s glory. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue learning and making new connections.

Our Website

Hey we love hearing from you.

How are you doing?

How can we be praying for you?

Rinehart's Missionary Update

Zoom Gathering

We are going to do a missions town hall meeting September 29th at 6pm Pacific Time. It will be a time for catching up, prayer, and answering your questions. We hope you can make it. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 826 2524 8683
Passcode: 12345

The Support Trip

It has been awhile since our last update, sorry about that! Life has been a rollercoaster the past few months. The support trip was somewhat successful. We were able to see most of our supporters face to face. As well as meet many awesome people along the way.

We Are Back In NYC!

Since getting back to the city we have been busy getting back into the rhythm of life. We sold the car and are back to walking everywhere😬. Helena and Abraham are learning to get along better. Abraham is now potty trained! Kessa has been rebuilding her stair muscles.

What’s going on in the office

Since getting back to NYC, we have been to wrapping up our summer projects so we can start developing a regular routine. Now the fall season is starting, which is busy season here at IP! With the fall semester starting up many of our missionaries are on campus 6+ days a week. While our mobilization team is getting ready to go on their fall trips where they are gone off and on for around a month. Meanwhile I am working with Operations to help keep IP together while we look to hire a couple more people to work in the office. As well as working with the Development and Mobilization teams with their end of year campaigns.

The most exciting development for my role here is that we finally regained access to the Google Ads grant. Which gives us $120,000 a year to use towards Google Ads which help us recruit more missionaries. IP has had the grant for the past ten years but has been unable to use the grant until I got here and was able to set up the ads.

Support Levels

Our support level continues to be below the amount necessary to survive in the city. So we are now meeting with a support coach and continuing to raise funds while doing ministry. This is proving to be a very stressful challenge. But one that I believe will ultimatly be used for God’s glory. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue learning and making new connections.

Our Website

Hey we love hearing from you.

How are you doing?

How can we be praying for you?

Fri, 01 Sep 2023 19:35:33 +0000
<![CDATA[Rinehart Missions update]]> https://mailchi.mp/db9b1b4ae70d/rinehart-missions-update https://mailchi.mp/db9b1b4ae70d/rinehart-missions-update Rinehart Missions update
Rinehart Missions update
Sat, 20 May 2023 18:55:47 +0000

​YWAM - Youth With A Mission

Michaela Sheldon, is the assistant director for Parent Life, a ministry of Youth for Christ.